Registration with abstract submission: until 15 April 2013, 19:00 (Dutch time).
Registration only (without abstract): until 6 May 2013.
Payment: 10 May 2013.
The official language of the meeting, both for oral and poster presentations, is English.
The conference will be held at the Conference Centre De Werelt (Westhofflaan 2, Lunteren). This venue provides spacious rooms for parallel sessions, a large hall for poster presentations and a beautiful lounge area to interact with colleagues.
By train
By train you can reach Lunteren, without change, from NS railwaystation Utrecht (via Amersfoort) and from NS railwaystation Ede-Wageningen. From the railwaystation in Lunteren you can walk in about 15 minutes to De Werelt.
If you prefer a taxi from the NS railway station Lunteren, you can call Taxicompany Taxi Lunteren, number: 0318-484555. On your request De Werelt is also willingly to arrange a taxi for you.
NB: The ENP 2013 Organisation provides a shuttle service between Lunteren railway station and the congress centre.
09:00 – 10:45
18:15 - 19:15
20:45 - 21.45
08:00 - 08:45
18:15 - 19:15
20:45 - 21.45
08:00 - 08.45
17:45 - 18.45
Trains arrive/leave every half hour at :07 and :37 and the bus will drive between the train station and the congress centre during the times listed above.
By car
By air
If you are flying into Schiphol, we advise the following links to plan your trip from the airport to Lunteren:
Accommodation is provided within the Congress Centre de Werelt. The hotel has 127 rooms, 7 single rooms and 120 double rooms. Due to this limited capacity, participants are requested to adopt room sharing. It is cheaper, and permits more of your collagues to be accommodated on site.
Should the Congress Centre become overbooked, the organisers will try to arrange alternative accommodation at the Parkhotel Hugo de Vries. The hotel is situated near the centre of Lunteren, 5 minutes away by car.
Registrations for this meeting are made online through this page or directly at the meeting. You are strongly encouraged to process your registration online as this facilitates the organisers' planning. A significant discount for online registrations is an added incentive.
The status of your ENP 2013 registration is always available through your personal myENP2013 page. This also includes confirmation of your payment, but please note that it may take some time before this information is processed.
Information is also available through the online registration page.
Registration fees are listed in the table below. For your convenience, these prices are also indicated in the attendance selection form, available through your personal myENP2013 page.
Payment in advance |
Payment at the meeting |
Fees per day |
before 10 May 2013 | on site | |
Handling fee |
€ 15 | € 15 | |
Day (Postdoc/Senior scientists) (incl. programme booklet, lunch, drinks) |
€ 80 | € 105 | |
Day (Ph.D. and Master's students) (incl. programme booklet, lunch, drinks) |
€ 57 | € 80 | |
Day (Corporates) (incl. programme booklet, lunch, drinks) |
€ 125 | € 150 | |
Dinner | € 32 | — | |
Single room | € 90 | — | |
Double room | € 60* | — | |
* indication of a roommate is required |
To benefit from the reduced fee for students, a confirmation must be provided by the direct supervisor (further details are available during registration procedure).
NB. If confirmation is not provided, you will need to pay the difference to the regular attendance fee at the Registration Desk.
Room availability at the Congress Centre de Werelt is limited and reservations are made on a 'first paid, first (re)served' basis. Participants are strongly encouraged to sign up for room sharing, as well as processing the payment as early as possible.
If you wish to register an accompanying person, please contact us .
Your registration will become definitive upon confirmation of payment of the meeting fee by bank transfer to
INGbank account number 7905966 of the
Dutch Endo-Neuro-Psycho Meeting,
UMC Utrecht
Stratenum 4.205 Postbus 85060, 3508 AB Utrecht
For money transfers from abroad, the following information may be useful when contacting INGbank:
Beneficiary information:
Name: Dutch Endo-Neuro-Psycho Meeting
Address: Dr. Molewaterplein 50-JNI-BE430
Postal code: 3015 GE
State: (not applicable)
City: Rotterdam
Country: The Netherlands
Financial institution (FI) information:
Type of account: Checking
Account number: 7905966
Account identifier type: IBAN: NL83INGB0007905966
Swift-code: INGBNL2A
Address ING bank: Bijlmerdreef 109
Postal code: 1102 BW
State: (not applicable)
City: Amsterdam
Country: The Netherlands
NB: Reservations will only be made definitive if payment is received by 10 May 2013.
Please ensure that your payment is recognizable by the organisers: include "Your_family_name + ENP2013 + your_reference_number" (e.g., Smith + ENP2013 + AxBy). If possible, use your personal bank account; transfers through administrative offices often lead to anonymous, 'ghost' payments. If your payment will be part of batch payment by your institution, please ask the person responsible for the payment to contact us before processing the payment.
The online registration service will be open until 6 May 2013. Afterwards, registration will only be possible at the meeting. Please note that the on-site fees are higher. Please note also that after 6 May 2013 you will also have to contact the Conference Centre De Werelt directly to make arrangements for your accommodation.
Cancellations received by e-mail before 10 May 2013 are entitled to a full refund, minus an administrative charge of 30 EUR. Cancellations received after this date and before 25 May 2013 will be considered case by case by the organisation; a refund will be awarded only in exceptional circumstances.
Substitute participants will be accepted. Contact the organisation by e-mail with the exact details.
The guidelines for the preparation of abstracts are the same for everyone. The guidelines shown below are also available through the abstract submission form. Abstracts are submitted exclusively through this website, either at the moment of your registration or, subsequently, through your personal myENP2013 page after registration.
The title must start in uppercase and continue in lowercase, except for conventional terms (ATP, DNA, NFκB, etc). Example:
This title is written correctly
This Title is Not Properly Written
If more than one author, underline your name (the presenting author, in whatever position you appear in the author list) and use commas to separate the names; do not use 'and' before the last author. Write first name(s) as initials and surname in full. If more than one affiliation, use sequential superscript numbers to identify each institution. Example:
M. Rossi1, J. Doe2, F.C. Bloggs1,2
1Dept Biomembranes, Golgi & Veratti Univ., Pavia, Italy
2Dept Bioblast Analyses, Altmann Univ., Leipzig, Germany
Keep the abstract text to within 2000 characters, spaces included (this is roughly equivalent to 250 words).
You are strongly encouraged to submit an abstract for a poster presentation.
If your abstract is selected for a poster presentation, when preparing your poster please remember that the area available to you is 90 x 110 cm (width x height).
"Portrait" is fine
"Landscape" not...
Please ensure that the corresponding number is clearly indicated on the poster itself (check the poster lists). Your poster should be readable from a 2-meter distance; as a rough guideline, use a font size of 72 pts for your title, and a minimum of 28 pts for your text.
Posters must be mounted on the day of the presentation between 08:00 and the start of the first session of the day (10:50 on Wednesday, and 09:00 on Thursday and Friday). Posters should only be removed at the end of the day and before 08:00 of the following day (or by 16:30 on Friday, 31 May).
All speakers have already been 'pre-registered'. You are kindly requested to 1) complete the online registration and 2) submit an abstract (speakers are kindly requested to abide by the general deadlines). To complete these steps, please access your myENP2013 page; you will need your e-mail address and a password. For your first access, please request a temporary password from the automated system: just click the "Lost, forgotten, or unknown password" link in the login page. If you need any clarifications, please contact us .
If you wish to register an accompanying person please contact us .
The format of your presentation (duration and discussion times) should have been communicated to you by the organisation. Presentations should be in English. Please remember that most people in your audience are not native English speakers - speak clearly (whether or not English is your native tongue) and not too fast.
Beamer equipment is available in all lecture rooms. The moderator of your session is in charge of the computer logistics. Room assistance is available during each session for additional help. Please contact your session moderator well in advance of the start of your session to arrange swift change of files between the presentations. The organisers' suggestion to the moderators is for all presentation files to be collected on a single laptop.
For any questions, contact your direct session organiser (chair/moderator). If you need any clarifications, please contact us .
If you are entitled to reimbursements, you can download a reimbursement form. Please fill in this form as requested and return it by mail to the meeting treasurer no later than 1 July 2013. Please pay particular attention when filling in your data; for reimbursement forms that are properly filled in, the organisation can ensure a swift bank transfer (most often in less than a month).
Note that the travel costs eligible for reimbursement are based on air fare APEX tourist class, 2nd class train fares, and local taxi costs; also, remember that the organisers need a copy of all your tickets.
The address of the meeting treasurer is:
Dr. Martien J.H. Kas
Department of Neuroscience and Pharmacology
Rudolf Magnus Institute of Neuroscience
UMC Utrecht – Stratenum 4.205
Universiteitsweg 100
3584 CG Utrecht
The Netherlands
All Session Organisers (Chairs) have already been 'pre-registered'. You are kindly requested to complete the online registration (regarding your attendance days, accommodation, meals, etc). To complete this step, please access your personal myENP2013 page; you will need your e-mail address and a password. For your first access, please request a temporary password from the automated system: just click the "Lost, forgotten, or unknown password" link in the login page. If you need any clarifications, please contact us .
If you wish to register an accompanying person please contact us .
Through your personal myENP2013 page you may also submit an abstract for a poster presentation.
In addition to the Instructions for Moderators that you received already (upon acceptance of your session proposal; this document is also available in your personal myENP2013 page), the Organising Committee provides the following suggestions in the hope that these will contribute to the successful development of your session and the meeting in general.
Your task at the meeting is to chair the session and oversee the computer logistics. A beamer is available during the session but you need to bring a laptop to complete the projection equipment. Room assistance will be available. The organisers strongly advise you to collect all the presentation files on a single laptop prior to your session. This will guarantee smooth exchange between the presentations.
Please ensure strict adherence to the schedule stated in the programme. This is crucial in order to enable participants interested in different subjects to move between different parallel sessions. Please understand that this is of the utmost importance and convey the concept to all your speakers.
Doubts about something? Don't panic: if you need any help, we'll be happy to assist you.
Before the meeting, contact us by e-mail.
Remember that a lot of information about the status of your registration (attendance days, abstract submitted, etc) is available through your personal myENP2013page.
11 March 2013
6 May 2013
on site registrations will be possible at a higher fee. Check the Information page for further details.
11 March 2013
15 April 2013
Abstracts accepted for the poster sessions are now listed in the Programme.
ENP 2012
ENP 2011
ENP 2009
ENP 2008
ENP 2007
ENP 2006
ENP 2005
ENP 2004
ENP 2003
ENP 2002
EN 2001
EN 2000
EN 1999
EN 1998
EN 1997
Need information?
Contact us